...from the River to the ends of the earth Psalm 72:8
Breakthrough Prayer - Using Bible stories and biblical principles of breakthrough to intercede and build faith for the immovable, unchangeable, and impossible things in our lives and people around us. 

4:00PM - 6:00PM:
Devotional Prayer - A time of reading the Bible and getting to know Jesus through the word and prayer. 

6:00PM - 8:00PM:
Harp and Bowl - This session uses the worship and word prayer format, and we are praying through the Psalms. This is a format found in scripture in Revelation 5:8, the elders each having harps (worship) and bowls (prayers of the Saints). 

8:00PM - 10:00PM:
Prophetic Prayer - Corporate worship and Intercession of what's on God's heart. 
RHOP Calendar

Join us Sunday morning 8:30AM for the online zoom meeting on Growing in the Intimacy of Prophecy.

Send us an email to rhop.info@gmail.com for the zoom link.